Unlike any other student organization.
who we are & what we do
The ad club network
Established in 2014 on the campus of Indiana University Bloomington, Ad Club IU has become the largest networking group for advertising, public relations, marketing professionals & the like. Year after year, Ad Club IU members graduate & go on to land crucial roles at top agencies & corporations. Ad Club IU fosters connections between these professionals & aspiring advertisers. With thousands of industry connections worldwide, our members are exposed to the best the industry has to offer.
Ad Club Socials
Furthering our mission to foster connections, Ad Club IU regularly hosts ad club socials. These casual events are always rooted in fun & networking. As creative thinkers, we refuse to sit & talk business — instead we build relationships through experience. Bowling, late-nite ice cream, laser tag, karaoke, & campus scavenger hunts are just a few of our favorites.
Beyond the four walls of a lecture hall, there’s many skills to develop. We regularly invite industry professionals to host intimate workshops with our members. We work in small teams, building our skills using real work. Areas of work include graphic design, video editing, copywriting, photography, image development, web & more.
Ads On Air
Inspired by the work of Breaking & Entering, Ads on Air is Ad Club IU’s industry podcast. Produced entirely by Ad Club IU members, the podcast discusses industry trends, groundbreaking campaigns, historical ads & offers a fresh perspective on the ad world. With weekly episodes & special guests, Ads on Air is unlike any other podcast on campus. Opportunities for members include: Long-form editing, social editing, promotion, scriptwriting & hosting.
We know the importance of a stellar portfolio, that’s why one of our biggest goals is to provide each of our members with the opportunity to participate in real campaign work. Appetite agency is an entirely student managed full service ad agency. Partnering with local businesses, start ups & student ventures, Appetite produces groundbreaking campaigns at no cost. All Ad Club IU members have the opportunity to join.
We believe advertising is a universal language, one spoken worldwide. Each year we take our members to advertising hubs across the country to learn from the best. We attend career conferences, tour agencies, meet with alumni & explore cities together. Trips occur in the second semester of each year & preference is given to the most involved members.